Cat Eye Surgery in Turkey

Cat eye surgery is a cosmetic surgical procedure aimed at making the eyes more beautiful and attractive by lifting the outer corner of the eye and suspending it, creating a slant similar to cat eyes. The almond shape of the eyes is one of the most favored eye shapes for women, especially celebrities, and often gives the appearance of a younger age.

The cat eye surgery process occurs in several stages:

Sterilization and Local Anesthesia: In the first step, the eye and its surroundings must be sterilized, followed by the application of local anesthesia to avoid any pain during the procedure.

Incision and Eye Adjustment: A roughly 1 cm incision is made in the upper eyelid, aligned with the natural crease of the eyelid. This helps in two ways: it looks natural, and the resulting scar fades away over time. The outer corner of the eye is then pulled from the edge of the lower eyelid, suspended on the orbital rim, and finally, the incision is closed with a few stitches, typically between 3 and 4.

Skin Tightening (if needed): If there is sagging skin at the end of the eyelid, it is additionally tightened, eliminating excess skin and thus getting rid of signs of aging.

Finalizing the Eye Shape: The eye reaches its final almond shape. After completing this procedure, the person is kept under observation for several hours.

How Long Does Cat Eye Surgery Take?

Cat eye surgery in Turkey takes about one to two hours. Each eye may require approximately half an hour to an hour of surgery. Afterward, the patient is monitored, and once stability is ensured, they can return home and resume their daily activities.

Postoperative Care Guidelines for Cat Eye Surgery:
During the recovery period after cat eye surgery, there are several guidelines to be followed until the end of the recovery period. These include avoiding washing the face on the first day, showering after the second day, refraining from using makeup or cosmetic products for the first week, and wearing glasses when going out to avoid direct exposure of the eyes to sunlight or wind.

The stitches are removed after one week from the cat eye surgery. Other recommendations include avoiding rubbing or touching the eyes, staying away from sports and swimming, and avoiding exposure to stress and strenuous tasks. It is also advisable to refrain from smoking and alcohol consumption as much as possible.

In conclusion, the results of Cat Eye Surgery become more evident after about two months, and it is allowed for men but not for pregnant women or those who have just given birth.

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